About Us

the therapics mission

Brazos Valley Therapics is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation founded in 2022 in Bryan/College Station, Texas. We are dedicated to providing durable medical equipment (DME) at no cost to those in urgent need of such equipment to safely mobilize and complete daily activities. To obtain the funds necessary for purchasing this equipment, we offer photography services in return for your generous support. 

The idea for our organization was born during a Bible study, at which our founders were discussing how the Holy Spirit works through the gifts and abilities of individual believers to meet the needs of our communities and build up the body of Christ. Board members Mami, Winn, and Katherine, all therapists at a local hospital, had observed the common occurrence that lack of insurance coverage prevents patients from getting the needed equipment recommended by their physicians and therapists. Mami was inspired to use her gift of photography to offer sessions in exchange for donations to fund DME for those in need.

Using our individual talents and skills paired with a heart of caring for those around us, Mami, Winn, Katherine, and Emma have stepped out in faith to form Brazos Valley Therapics.


Mami Takeda


Mami co-founded Brazos Valley Therapics with her friends and colleagues Winn, Katherine, and Emma. As a physical therapist, Therapics allows Mami to relate her passion for photography and desire to help people move safely. She serves as president and provides all photography services to our donors.

Winn Cantrell


Winn serves as liaison for community outreach and resource coordinator for adaptive equipment needs. She hopes that through Therapics, this community will know that they are cared for and experience the love of Jesus. This is the first step in showing love to those around us: see a need, fill a need. Winn is inspired by 1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us.”

Katherine Groezinger


Katherine worked part-time for seven years as a bank teller. She has found a passion for fundraising, budget planning, and managing funds, which she now brings to Therapics as treasurer. As an occupational therapist, Therapics allows Katherine to help others incorporate adaptive equipment into their meaningful activities. 

Emma Emery


Emma has been on staff at local churches for three years and loves using her administrative and creative skills to care for and support every team and ministry she is part of. She now serves as graphic designer and marketing director for Therapics. Emma grew up in Bryan/College Station and is passionate about seeing the B/CS area impacted for Christ.